Family Psychology Mutual CIC
Complaints and Compliments Policy
Revised May 2024
1.0 Policy Aims
To provide a fair and simple procedure which is clear and easy to use for anyone wishing to make a complaint.
To publicise the existence of our complaints procedure so that people know how to contact us to make a complaint.
To make sure everyone at Family Psychology Mutual knows what to do if a complaint is received.
To make sure all complaints are investigated fairly and in a timely way.
To make sure that complaints are, wherever possible, resolved and that relationships are repaired.
To gather information which helps us to improve what we do.
2.0 Definition of a Complaint
2.1 A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction, whether justified or not, about any aspect of Family Psychology Mutual’s activities, work, conduct or procedures or in regard to any individual who is working for or on behalf of FPM.
3.0 Where Complaints Come From
3.1 Complaints may come from any person, family, professional or organisation that has a direct interest in the work of Family Psychology Mutual. A complaint can be received verbally, by phone, by email or in writing.
3.2 You can e-mail us at feedback@fpmcic.com or if you would prefer to send information via post or anonymously please send to our registered office:
Family Psychology CIC
Appin House
1 Ferrars Road
PE29 3DH
4.0 Confidentiality
4.1 All complaint information will be handled sensitively, telling only those who need to know and following any relevant data protection requirements. If you wish to talk to us about making a complaint, then please contact us directly. If the complaint is of a serious nature, then you can request the assistance of a senior member of staff if this will help you to complete the process.
4.2 In cases where there is an allegation being made against a member of staff regarding serious misconduct involving a child or a vulnerable adult of a safeguarding nature then FPM may be obligated to invoke the allegations against staff procedure rather than this complaints process. This means that we will refer all complaints of this nature to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO). This is an independent role in the Local Authority and they will lead the investigation into the allegation.
5.0 Responsibility
5.1 Overall responsibility for this policy and its implementation lies with the Company Board of Family Psychology Mutual CIC
6.0 Will I achieve anything if I complain?
6.1 It is important that you feel able to make a complaint without worrying about how we will respond. We want to stress that we will not be offended or upset if you complain. It is important that we learn about your experience, especially if we have made mistakes. We will not treat you differently in the future because you have complained.
6.2 Our Complaints Policy is based on the following values:
Respect — We treat everyone with fairness, respect and dignity.
Approach — We put as much emphasis on the way we do things as on what we do.
Partnership — We develop open communication and equal relationships with our programme participants (service users), staff and partners which value their contributions and enable us to work together effectively.
Openness — We are open, positive and flexible towards new ideas and encourage innovation and creativity that improves the outcomes from our services.
Delivery — We do what we say we will do and are accountable for our actions.
6.3 You should complain if:
You are unhappy with how you or your family been dealt with
If you are unhappy with how a member of staff has treated you
You are unhappy with any aspect of our service delivery.
You have not received the service that you were expecting.
If we have failed to take account of your diversity needs.
6.4 What happens next?
Where possible we will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within three working days
Your complaint will be passed to the appropriate line manager, senior manager or CEO. We aim to provide a written reply sent out within 15 working days.
If your complaint will require further investigation and will not be completed within the 15 day standard you will receive notification of the progress
You will receive an apology if we are to be found at fault.
If the fault is ours every effort will be made to instigate measures to put things right.
If you are also taking out a complaint against the Authority who commissions our services, then we might discuss with you which route to take in the first instance or wait for this process to be completed.
7.0 The complaints process
Informal stage
Our first response will be to try to deal with your complaint in an informal manner with you. This may involve a phone call or visit to see if we can resolve matters before the formal complaints stage starts.
Stage one
Where possible we aim to resolve all complaints at the initial stage of reporting. For reasons outside our control, such as legal implications or the involvement of other organisations, this may not be possible. In such circumstances the situation will be explained and referred on or a timescale for the satisfactory completion agreed.
Stage two
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may refer it to our Chief Executive Officer
Stage three
If the CEO is unable to resolve your complaint, then it will be referred to the Board of Family Psychology Mutual.
7.1 If you require further assistance and are still not satisfied with the outcome then you may get free independent advice from your local Citizens Advice Bureau see www.adviceguide.org.uk
You may also contact the Local Government Ombudsman if the service has been commissioned by a Local Authority.
8.0 Repeat and vexatious complaints
8.1 Family Psychology Mutual reserves the right to alter and amend our standard complaints procedures if complaints are made repeatedly. In cases where complaints are made which are vexatious, malicious or without justification FPM may decide not to respond once the complaints process has been exhausted, or to dismiss a complaint in the first instance.
9.0 Compliments and comments
9.1 You are welcome to give feedback to Family Psychology Mutual about any aspect of our service. It is important to know when we have got things right as well as when we can do better.